An excellent resource on Salsa Dancing and Salsa Music

An excellent resource on Salsa Dancing and Salsa Music

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Golden Tulip Salsa

Is gonna be hot tonight, Drive Nite Club inside Golden Tulip Kumasi City 6pm sharp, come lets salsa!!!!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Close Up Salsa In Kumasi

The close up salsa Kumasi episode will be on ViaSat1TV 8pm today, and GhOneTV on sunday 5:30, don't miss it

See you tonight @ Clarke house 7pm sharp

Friday, 24 May 2013

Ok now time for some stress release, We are having fun tonight at A LIST oppst Abusua restaurant inside CLARK HOUSE Denyame Miklin Hotel road Kumasi, 7pm sharp, as usual 1hr nonstop Zouk then we dance our head off, come let release the stress together but this time, with some sweet sexy salsa moves and is freeeeee dont miss it, see yall

Thursday, 23 May 2013

One of the easiest ways to annoy a leader is to hang on him. When in closed position (partners together), followers should rest their arms on the leaders shoulder and in the leaders hand very lightly. We want to give the impression of being united, but we should remain in the same position if the leader steps away (if you fall over or stumble, then it means you are resting too much). Not only does this help with not annoying the lead, but it also makes it much easier for the lead to take you through the moves because you are ready to go. Once your arms are in a nice, resting position, you can focus on your left hand that rests on his shoulder. How should it look? This depends on your preferred style, but there are lots of options rather than letting it just sit there.

Knees Flexed

A common complaint of beginning dancers is feeling too rigid or stiff. Most of this comes with practicing different types of body movements and isolation, but there is a simple trick that can make you look more fluid right away. Simply keeping your knees flexed and staying on the balls of your feet can completely change how you move by making your steps look smooth and allowing more room for hip movement. On the contrary, if you stay flat-footed you may lose your balance from depending on the heel, move more slowly (one vs. two points of contact with the floor), and look "tired" or "robotic. If your knees are locked, you may also lose your balance since you have no shock absorber and you will be slower to initiate movement, which may feel "heavy" to the leader. Again, this is about always being in "ready position" to be able to follow more easily. Aside from the benefits to your dancing, keeping your knees flexed and staying on the balls of your feet also just makes you look better (the hip action helps).

My last Article will be on smiling when dancing but it will be tomorrow, see you tonight at Royal Lamerta

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Monday, 25 March 2013

After this coming Thursday Salsa at B2D is going on a 3 weeks break as we do it every year to put thing in order for us to enjoy some more shizzilyn tunes, and you know how we do it before we break, WE PARTY HARD!!!

This Thursday 28th of March Royal Lamerta Hotel POOL SIDE Kumasi 7pm sharp, we are giving you the best mind blowing BARBECUE SALSA session Ever this Easter and is coool 5GH Cedis. Dress code RED and BLACK, invite all your friends and come let's GET CLOSER again and mingle with the salsa gurus, make some new friends before we break and above all, twist to the sweeeeeet sensational tracks of SALSA!!!!!!!!, Get your sWaG oN and be part of This great Experience! I JUST CANT WAIT, SEE YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

call the organizers on 0244439578/0207662633

Monday, 18 March 2013

All beginners of any domain are faced with the same issues. First "how do I get better at Salsa Dancing" or a variation on this question is "how do I improve my Salsa Dancing" well worry no more, every Mondays we do lessons at B2D Restaurant Ahodwo 6pm sharp, that is the only solution for now, call 0244439578 for more info, see you

Thursday, 21 February 2013

It is possible to get so wrapped up in the race of life that you forget the important things...God, love, living life, loved ones, little things... that is why La Vida Salsa is evolving... to remind us all that Life is too short to waste... that Love is too rare to be made to wait, that if we wait too long to appreciate what we have... we might lose it... forever... and that God created us to LIVE... to the tonight, come lets have fun @ Royal Lamerta Hotel Ahodwo Kumasi 6.30pm Sharp, dont be late

Monday, 18 February 2013

Improve your Salsa Dancing

Improve your Salsa Dancing
All beginners of any domain are faced with the same issues. First "how do I get better at Salsa Dancing" or a variation on this question is "how do I improve my Salsa Dancing".  I have wrestled with the question of becoming a good lead from the first day I started my basic step and I still ask myself this question every time I am getting dressed to go out dancing.  I am not going to get into what is the definition of a good lead here but I can maybe tackle that question in a Blog later on. 

 In this article I was thinking I wanted to write something that dancers could have as useful and practical landmarks along the salsa journey that steers them in the right direction.
We only have limited time and energy to spend each day so it is important that we spend it the right way.  I will list out the following main point that I think will allow you to traverse this tough journey for men. Let me say that many men never make it to the desire level of dance because is involve openness to criticism by others including women, it can be a humbling experience and you first have to accept that you know nothing and you are starting a journey.  I admire all of the great dancers because it there is only one thing you know about a great dancer.  They have remained passionate and relentless to make, the elements of musical timing, traffic cop, clear and firm but gentle leader all look so easy.
I suggest the following:
1.    Dance more; Dancing salsa is the only real practice for learning how to dance. Dance with everyone who will dance with you and have no shame.  Do not fear rejection. Push through it. 
2.    Dance at different  Salsa venues.  Leave the dance politics at home and dance with as many partners as possible from as many studios as possible
3.    Learn from as many instructors as possible.  We are lucky to have to some of the best in the world here with us in B2D Salsa. I am not going to list everyone but you can see the many venues  on our  homepage, 

4.    Dance 50% social/ 50% classes.  For each of your Dance classes you take, Dance one social party.  This allows you to practice and master the many aspect your instructor was teaching.  I personally would learn a turn pattern on Thursday at Royal Lamerta Hotel, Dance out on Saturdays at B2D, then come back on Thursday to correct any issues I had while leading the move.  Then you got all weekend to master the pattern.  Enjoy it.
5.    Keep Spinning.  If you do not have a partner to work with, you can practice your spotting and spinning.  Do a lesson with some spinning experts to learn more.
6.    Make it a Friendly Game,  Ricci, Leo, Papa Skills or any of you guys can hold a competition on who can get the most social dances in a night.  The catch could be, if we danced with someone that we danced with before it did not count.  It doesn't  matter who will win that night but it will still be fun, get the most dances you can when you go out.
7.    Dream and Imagine.  Your body can only go where the mind has already gone.  Listen to more Salsa Music and as you do, think of how your dances will turn out, how you will lead while you execute your patterns.  Do this so you can start to feel the music and associate your patterns to the music. This will make it feel more natural when you hit the floor.
8.    Rest; Lastly I will tell you that you have to get some rest.  On the 7th day the lord rested and you will need to set up a day of rest for you too otherwise you will burn out.

If you think of more great pointers that I have missed do share so our club can all benefit.

your friend in Salsa

Yuor Man